GIAST, a renowned educational institution, organized a captivating poster-making competition on September 22, 2022, to commemorate International Ozone Day. The event was specifically designed for B.Ed students, providing them with a co-curricular activity that fostered their creativity and raised awareness about the importance of preserving the ozone layer. All students were required to participate, and they eagerly showcased their artistic skills within their respective classes.
The competition was divided into sections for B.Ed 1st year and 2nd-year students, offering a platform for participants to exhibit their creativity and aesthetic abilities. Students had the choice to participate individually or in groups, encouraging collaboration and the exchange of ideas. Experienced teachers evaluated the posters created by the participants, assessing their performances and assigning grades accordingly.
The students demonstrated immense dedication and talent, resulting in a productive and inspiring day. The competition not only enhanced their artistic prowess but also instilled a sense of responsibility towards environmental conservation. GIAST's initiative to organize this poster-making competition on International Ozone Day is commendable, as it effectively nurtured the creative abilities of B.Ed students while promoting awareness about the urgent need to protect our ozone layer.