Hindi Diwas: GGSIUP Celebation

Hindi Diwas: GGSIUP Celebation

“संस्कृति की बुनियाद भाषा है”

With this profound thought, the presenter Mr. Ashim Ghosh started highlighting the importance of Hindi in our lives. He introduced the game “शब्दकोशिश” that was their initiative for enhancing Hindi vocabulary (शब्दकोश) among the students from a very young age. The purpose behind the game was to make learning Hindi interesting and easy for the students so that they are as much interested in speaking Hindi as they are for English. The game, as he stated, is just any other game and can be referred to a Hindi version of Scrabble but with some technological advancements that allows the player to know if he’s right or wrong. It is a very helpful and fascinating game for those who are reluctant in speaking fluently in Hindi. He ended the discussion by saying that his motive is just that- “अपनी भाषा एसी निपुणता से बोलें की दूसरे भाषा की ज़रूरत ना पड़े।”

After this, the anchor Shalini Yadava invited Dr. Dhananjay Joshi to address the audience in which he again shed light on the importance of our National Language in our lives. He stated that a country’s respect for its national language is indicative of its development over the years by quoting examples of Japan and South Korea. He also expressed his concern about how social media is influencing the language spoken by students these days. At the end, a great emphasis was laid on the use of Hindi language.

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