Shikshak parva was organised from 7 to 17 September 2021 on the theme Quality and sustainable school learning from schools in India During webinar about 9 webinar were held from 10 Am onwards on various themes. Gitarattan Institute of Advanced Studies and Trainings also participated in this webinar.
7th September, 2021
Honourable Prime minister Shri Narendra Damodar Das Modi ji inaugurated the programme virtually and introduced various schemes and policies which will change the education system and shape the future of India. Prime minister also congratulated all the teachers and educators who received National Awards for their hard work. Modi ji emphasized on being self dependent and atmnirbhar Bharat for which Education will play an important role, so various new things like talking books, modifications on digital learning platforms, material formation for special need children are introduced to enhance quality of education and touch the height of sky and see a bright future of country.
Launch of NEP 2020 initiative
8th September, 2021
Theme: Technology in Education NDEAR(10:00Am 11:30Am)
In this webinar everything about NDEAR( National Digital Education Architecture) was explained by speakers through presentations and all of them appreciated this initiative as we are living in a Digital Era where most of our work is done with the help of technology, then Education should also take advantage of it. Speakers shared their experiencesabout the challenges they faced during online classes and also presented various innovative things which they did like making animation videos, you tube channels, teaching using WhatsApp, making the best use of technology. But at the end technology should be used properly and to ensure the best use of it NDEAR is the thing which will help both the educator and the learner.
8th September, 2021
Theme : Digital literacy for Youth and Adults(3:00Pm 4:30Pm)
System focuses on Education for all, Everyone should have basic skills of reading, writing, calculating to be called literate but nowadays this is not enough. In this webinar Speakers emphasised Digital literacy which mean that today we are living in Digital world and an individual have basic skills of using this technology our youth and Adults need to be exposed to Digital world they also should know about theses things. Hence Now system will focus on developing skills among individuals and minimising rote learning, focus will be on application of the skills also.
9thSeptember, 2021
Theme: Foundational literacy and numeracy (a pre-requisite to learning and ECCE) (10:00Am-11:30Am)
In the webinar speaker explained need of the children form the very beginning stage form Balvatika, Grade 1, Grade 2,Grade 3 and so on. The goal of the mission is to make the children able to maintain good health and wellbeing, to make children effective communicator, to make them involved learners and make them able to connect with their immediate environment.
10thSeptember, 2021
Theme: Culture of innovation in our schools (10:00 Am 11:30 Am)
In this webinar Speakers pointed out 3 main components which are important for innovation in Schools. 1st component is bringing back gleam in the eyes of teachers and students. 2nd one is question that make us wonder, there should be questions which make the kid think and innovate and the 3rd component is Interdisciplinary content related to daily life. For clearing these point they also showed many innovative examples which they had created in their labs of IIT Gandhinagar.
11thSeptember, 2021
Theme : Nurturing Inclusive Classroom(10:00 Am 11:30Am)
NEP2020 focuses on Inclusive classroom which means meaningful and conducive learning environment for all students regardless of ability and diverse learning need.For promoting Inclusive education many things should be kept in mind which was also explained in webinar and these are School infrastructure, availability of resources, Identification of the special need child, Well trained teachers, supportive staff and peer groups. In webinar Speakers also presented various teaching learning materials which they use in inclusive classroom to give instructions.
13thSeptember, 2021
Theme : Innovative pedagogy to promote enjoyable and engaging learning(10:00Am-11:30Am)
NEP 2020 mandates that the learning should be holistic, integrated, inclusive, enjoyable, and engaging. To minimize rote learning and to encourage holistic development and 21st century skills such as critical thinking, creativity, scientific temper, communication, collaboration, multilingualism, problem solving, ethics, social responsibility, and digital literacy, curriculum, textbooks, pedagogy and assessment shall be transformed by 2022
14thSeptember, 2021
Theme: Promoting Quality and sustainable Schools(10:00 Am-11:30 Am)
Sustainable development is the need of todays world and in this webinar emphasis was given to the same. . A sustainable school prepares young people for a lifetime of sustainable living through its teaching and day-to-day practices. In conformity with the concept of sustainable school, Para 4.23 of the NEP lays stress on creating environmental awareness on water and resource conservation, sanitation and hygiene.
15th September, 2021
Theme :Transforming the system of Assessment, Holistic progress card(10:00 Am-11:30Am)
Education should focus holistic development of the learner. The progress card will be a holistic, 360-degree, multidimensional report that reflects in great detail the progress as well as the uniqueness of each learner in the cognitive, affective, and psychomotor domains. It will include self-assessment and peer assessment, and progress of the child in project-based and inquiry-based learning, quizzes, role plays, group work, portfolios, etc., along with teacher assessment.
16thSeptember, 2021
Theme :Stimulating Indian knowledge system, Arts and culture(10:00Am-11:30 Am)
Para 22.2 of NEP 2020 states that the promotion of Indian arts and culture is important not only for the nation but also for the individual. Cultural awareness and expression are among the major competencies considered important to develop in children, to provide them with a sense of identity, belonging, as well as an appreciation of other cultures and identities.
17thSeptember, 2021
Theme: Re-Imagining Vocational Education and Skill building (10:00 Am-11:30 Am)
The NEP 2020 aims to overcome the social status hierarchy associated with vocational education and requires integration of vocational education programmes into mainstream education in all education institutions in a phased manner. Beginning with vocational exposure at early ages in middle and secondary school, quality vocational education will be integrated smoothly into higher education.
All over it was an informative webinar and is a good initiative to change the education system as change is the need. All the policies and schemes are very beneficial and definitely enhance the quality of education if executed properly. It was a great experience and we are glad to be the part of Shikshak parva.