An extension lecture was organised by Gitarattan Institute of Advanced Studies and Training, Rohini n on Achievement Test Report for the B.Ed. for Second year pupil-teachers on 25th October 2021. The session was led by Dr. S.K. Bhatia (former Associate Professor, CIE, DU), who provided a detailed format discussion about how to the analyse the Achievement Test Report after the preparation of an ideal blueprint according to the weightage prescribed by CBSE. The session was initiated with a warm welcome by Ms. Ankita Gautam (B.Ed. Second year pupil-teacher).
Dr. S.K. Bhatia began the session by highlighting the importance of achievement test report as it's the voluminous within the teaching-learning process. Where in previous extension lecture sir discussed the importance of evaluation, how pupil teachers will be able to develop and administering the test and preparation of award list and merit list, so in this extension lecture sir discussed about the further process of conducting the achievement test. Despite, being the last process in the entire learning process, it holds immense importance in assessing students learning experience.
Utmost importance was laid by Dr. Bhatia that as future teachers, they should be aware of the processes involved in assessing the learning outcomes of the students and the statistical analysis of the question paper. Sir, highlighted upon that the pupil teachers should be first aware of how to derive questions of their own by first preparing a question paper blueprint then Dr Bhatia sir emphasized how a difficulty index and discriminating index assists the teacher in preparing a more balanced question paper. It was better explained by Dr. Bhatia sir by relating it with experiential learning in which sir, shared an importance and focus on learning by doing where by providing students to understand better with their experience.Later in the session the other aspects were discussed on achievement test report where, sir further enlightened with the process of making a master sheet or item analysis and then finding out about the difficulty and discrimination index with their standard interpretation of the indexes and discussed the format of entire achievement test report file.
This experience was extremely helpful and insightful in realizing the significance of interpretation of a question paper blueprint which caters to the needs of students from diverse backgrounds. For the better understanding of the pupil-teachers, Dr. Bhatia demonstrated the preparation of an ideal master sheet and item analysis according to the class results and demonstrated how to analyse the master sheet. Along with this, he also provided a brief description of the successive process of purpose of item analysis, formulas for finding out about the difficultyindex and discriminating index and its interpretation, preparing the combined chart for both the index in question wise order, how to conduct statistical analysis.
The entire session assisted pupil-teachers in comprehending not only the theoretical aspect of conducting an evaluation and assessing it but also, its practical aspects. It was a very informative lecture and insightful session whichgathered the attention of all the participants. The session came to its conclusion with Dr. S.K. Bhatia addressing the questionsfrom the participants.
Finally, MS. Meena, on behalf of the entire institution expressed gratitude towards Dr. Bhatia's presence and his immense knowledge.