On 14th October'2021, Work education activity was held in Gitarattan Institute of Advanced Studies & Training under Work and Education Curriculum in D.EL.ED course.
Work experience means getting experience by working and learning. This not only provides a chance to get detailed information but also provides opportunities to work in such circumstances where he can learn a lot, enjoy learning and get the solution of his doubts, satisfy his curiosity and can seek information about different work conditions of house, family, school and community. The activities given for work experience should be such that they are able to nurtures self confidence and self reliance in the children. They should have a longing for participating joyfully in constructive programmes of the society. They should get a change to be associated with the programmes of cleaning environment and its beautification. They should be able to adopt respectful attitude towards work and workers. By participating in environmental and productive activities children gets detailed information about working conditions which enhances curiosity to know events and the environment of their neighbourhood.
The students was D.el.ed 2nd yr participated by making presentation on Use and Impotance of Mini tool kit. Mini tool kit is one of those items which are short listed as the essential facilities at the primary stage under operation blackboard scheme . Hand tools for children of the primary school have been specially designed by NCERT 1988, keeping in view their physical and mental ability .
Watch the Video at: https://youtu.be/9UNduQNQpiQ