In the National Curriculum Framework (2005) Work Experience has been termed as Work Education and thus makes it an integral component of education. As such it would provide both knowledge and skills through well-structured and graded programmes, which would help them on their entry into the world of work. Work Education is a distinct curricular area for providing children with opportunities for participation in social and economic activities inside and outside the classroom, which would enable them to understand scientific principles and procedures involved in different types of work. The productive manual work situations were to be drawn from the area of health and hygiene, food, shelter, clothing, recreation and community service. The competencies to be developed in this field should include knowledge, understanding, practical skills and values through need based life activities. Pre-vocational courses should get a prominent place at this stage. Work Education aims at restoring dignity and respect to all types of manual work, promoting self-reliance in meeting one's daily needs and those of one's family and community, increasing productivity through the development of proper work skills and values, and promoting commitment to the welfare of the society through suitable programme of social work or community service.
In order to enable the translation of the above activities and projects into concrete action and to ensure proper utilization of the allotted period as also optimum attainment of the intended objectives, Students of D.EL.ED course , Gitarattan Institute of Advanced Studies & Training used suitable tools and material and made beautiful paper craft.
All students performed well.