Yoga is a powerful means of bringing peace, stability, harmony, and strength along with flexibility in all aspects of life. It is deeply rooted in Indian culture and has acted as a lubricant in deepening our connections and aligning mind, body, and spirit to improve the balance. Practicing yoga in a ritualistic manner increases proprioception i.e., the ability to feel what one’s body is feeling and its positioning in the space. In addition to this, yoga very efficiently cultivates mindfulness, curiosity, and consciousness about our actions.
In order to enlighten the common man on the importance of spiritual awakening and the ways to imbibe it in our daily routine, National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE) organized its first lecture of the series of International Day of Yoga(IDY-2022) on June 1st, 2022.
Gitarattan Institute of Advanced Studies and Training, responsibly and with sincerity participated in the event through the live stream on YouTube. The event started at 11 AM and was about an hour long.
Educators and pupil teachers were very excited about this insightful event and could connect with it. They actively listened to Shri Saumya Acharya Ji's guidance as to how with pranayama and asanas one can connect to its higher self. The importance of conscious breathing and different breathing practices were highlighted at the event. It was really interesting to know the right way of breathing and how with merely a few practices an individual can become mindful of his/her actions, which would ultimately help in connecting higher self. The event in all its aspects was enriching.