Dr. Anjali Shokeen
Designation: Assistant Professor, University School of Education (USE), Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Dwarka
"Learning Social Sciences through Experiential learning"
Third day of the FDP was based on the sub theme 'Learning Social Sciences through Experiential Learning' which was taken by Dr. Anjali Shokeen, Assistant Professor, USE, GGSIPU. She started the session by discussing the meaning of experiential learning and its importance. She focused on the benefits of experiential learning and put the light on the ways of teaching social science via experiential learning model. She explained that experiential learning helps in boosting the confidence of learners and offers opportunities to think freely and operate differently.
She emphasized on the experiential learning and different activities that can be conducted in the classroom with students to teach social sciences. She focused on the significance of excursion trips, field trips etc in Social Sciences that helps to visualize (experiencing) the concept which helps in the consolidation of concepts and long term retention.
Throughout the session, she gave various examples where experiential learning should be corelated with teaching of Social Sciences. For exp: to teach the concept of banking to students. The teacher can take the initiative to visit the bank and give them real exposure and they can also observe how people deposit and withdraw their money.
She concluded the session by highlighting the importance of integrating experiential learning with teaching of social sciences where the role of teacher is very important for effective teaching and learning.
The session was ended with discussion where participants enthusiastically asked their queries and shared their experiences. Vote of thanks was given by Dr. Shikha Ranjan, Associate Professor, Gitarattan Institute of Advanced Studies and Training.