Dr. Shalini Yadava
Date: 17-December-2022
Venue: Google Meet
Designation: Associate professor, GGSIPU, Delhi
Challenging of succeeding in the field of Literacy and Numeracy & Challenging of integrating Art and Music with the teaching of other subjects
The presence of dignitaries, an impressive line-up of scholars from various institutions, an array of carefully selected, well-researched and well-presented papers on the subject, all came together to help Gitarattan team admirably conduct this National Seminar.
Gitarattan Institute of Advanced Studies and Training, welcomed the honorable resource person for technical session 2, Dr. Shalini Yadava, Associate professor, GGSIPU, Delhi.
Dr. Shalini Yadava stressed that in order to build literacy and numeracy amongst pupils it is it is very important to engage them in the learning process. Encouraging literacy at home is also very important, parents must challenge their kids to read at home. She focused on the problem with gen Z kids that they are so much tech savvy but are forgetting the joy of reading. Writing interesting books is the key to engage students of this generation in the reading as reading must be interesting. We are also missing the art of letter writing. She also elaborated how simple things like setting up a fair, kitchen etc. as a part of role play could enhance the literacy and numeracy among children. The basic idea is to engage the children in something which interests them. Dr. Shalini also shared her insightful views on integrating Art and Music with the teaching of other subjects. She opined that theatre does not make the learning dull, rather it makes the whole learning process joyful. Theatre can be inculcated in all the stages. People experience life circumstances through their senses and the arts provide a means of expression. Children can participants in music, drama, visual arts, and dance to expressively communicate. Furthermore, the arts enable children to develop a strong foundation for acquiring, processing, and applying information for the conceptual learning. After Dr. Shalini Yadava engrossed the participants with her immense knowledge, the paper presenters from various institutions presented their ideas on the sub-themes in an interactive manner.